God bless you all!
Por Cristo is the name we chose of our noble work for the poor. It is the name that summarizes our vision, our mission, our life and our commitment rooted in the plan of the Almighty God for His people!

Por Cristo’s history and its life story is likened to the biblical history of the creation of the world. It started with a word and created from out of nothing and then, well taken cared by God’s Providence. In this Home Page, we would like to share with you the goodness of the Lord who hears the cry of the poor!
To all of you who allows God to be channels and instruments of His Providence, blessed are you for thine is the work that pleases the Lord in heaven ( Tobit 4:7-11 …the care for the poor is an offering that pleases God in heaven); thine is the work that worships God ( Proverbs 14:31… showing mercy to the poor is to worship God); and thine is the Kingdom of God! ( Matthew 19:34-40 …the King will tell to the people to his right,” Come, who are blessed by my Father and receive the Kingdom prepared for you…When I was hungry, you gave me something to eat, when I was thirsty, you gave me drink, naked…, a stranger…, sick …, imprisoned …, homeless…” )
Let us pray for one another and thank you Lord for calling us your instruments of your providence!
Father Dennis